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Так Ні


Vasiliy V. ROGOVYI

Well-known economist, statesman and politician.

In 1988-1994 worked at the Cabinet of Ministers (Council of Ministers) of Ukraine.
In 1994-1998 he was the first Deputy Minister of Economy and in 1998-1999 became a minister of economy of Ukraine.
In 2000 Mr. Rogovoy became first vice-chairman of Ukrainian President’s Administration.
In 2000 he was re-appointed a Minister of Economy and in 2001-2002 became Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine.

From his congratulations to Ukrainian Financial Group on its 10 year anniversary

Your company happened to be among the pioneers of investment business in independent Ukraine. Ukrainian Financial Group played an active and defining role in the establishment of Ukrainian stock market mechanisms and infrastructure. You were among those who paved the way to global financial markets. Financial recourses earned by the company on both the domestic and international market were invested into key economic sectors of Ukraine, creating many new jobs.

I admire and respect the Group’s sponsor and charity activities, to which UFG donates considerable sums.

Due to its efficient investment approach responding specific challenges from the Ukrainian environment, unique experience, openness and perceptiveness to new ideas, international best practices, innovation approaches and modern technologies Ukrainian Financial Group has a full right to be considered a specific creative institution which during the last 10 years has been contributing to the market reforms implementation in Ukraine.

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АТ "Українська фiнансова група" © 2003
Розробка сайту Cintech - Ukraine